Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Picture Book a Day for a Year: Day 201

Picture Book: The Tsunami Quilt: Grandfather’s Story

Author: Anthony D. Fredericks

Illustrator: Tammy Yee

Summary: This story is from the point of view of Kimo, a Hawaiian child, whose grandfather takes him on a pilgrimage each April 1st to a memorial monument at the edge of an ocean cove, but Kimo’s grandfather won’t explain until Kimo is older. His grandfather dies so Kimo asks his father to take him to the memorial and explain. His father does. At that cove on April 1, 1946, a tsunami killed 24 students and teachers, including the grandfather’s younger brother. Kimo’s grandfather witnessed the event from higher ground. Later, Kimo is taken to a museum where there is a memorial quilt of the event. Each square is for one of the victims.  

Hanna’s Comments: This is an emotional book. The violence of the deaths are handled well and are visually no more extreme than that which is found on the cover. However, I strongly suggest you read it beforehand, as I always recommend, but with your children’s sensitivities in mind. Be sure to check out the historical information in the book and a Pronunciation Guide in the back. I think the value of this book lies in how it demonstrates the importance of remembering, pilgrimage, and memorials, and especially a memorial such as a quilt that allows for therapeutic creative artistry. Rituals, for children and adults, can be very powerful and healing while helping to build resilience and ease grief.

Publisher & Date of Publication: Sleeping Bear Press, 2007

Age & Grade Appropriateness: 6 and up, 1st and up

# of Pages: 32

Available in Spanish? Not at present

Formats other than Book: Tablet, Amazingly, there is video of this tsunami on the internet, but I don’t recommend showing it to children.

PBT Category: Nonfiction, Post 2K

PBT Topics this Book Connects with: America, ancestors/patriarchs & matriarchs, art, beach/ocean/pond/river/sea/shore, brokenness, comfort, companionship, depression/despair/sadness/sorrow, disaster, fathers, grandparents, healing/healthcare, heritage, journeys/migrations/pilgrimages/quests, memories/remembering/ritual/tradition, parables/stories, presence, reverence, tragedy, victims, worship

Scripture Connections: This day shall be for you a memorial day (Exodus 12:14); blessed are those who mourn (Matthew 5:4); Do this in remembrance of me. (Luke 22:20)

Idea(s) for Application: Use this book with children when an event occurs in your family of faith or in current events that encourages people to create memorials or  engage in rituals of remembrance such as pilgrimages.  

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