is Black Friday in the States, a day of Christmas shopping in excess. I woke up
to headlines that there was a shooting last night in a mall walking distance
from my home. When did the shootings become so ordinary?! Lord have mercy on us
all! Forgive our violence and help us with our fears.
Perhaps you too are in
search of peace as we anticipate Advent and The birth of the Prince of Peace. Here is a nice variety of 6 secular books about peace. Scripture connections and ideas for applications in your ministry are at the end of the post.
Picture Book: A Little
Author & Photographer: Barbara Kerley
Summary: This is a collection of
photographs of people from various parts of the globe who are enjoying “a
little peace.” Images of peace range widely from two English men in the snow
tipping their hats to one another to a group of whirling Buddhist monks
worshiping in Bhutan and then to an American military doctor cuddling a child
who had been caught up in a battle. In the back you’ll find a world map and an
explanation of each photo including details and location. The book ends with a
note by Richard H. Solomon, President of the United States Institute of Peace.
Publisher & Date of Publication: National
Geographic, 2007
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 5 and
up, K and up
Formats other than Book: None at
Picture Book: The Peace Book
Author & Illustrator: Todd Parr
Hanna’s Comments: For thoughts about peace with elementary or preschool children, consider Todd Parr's fun exploration of what peace looks like.
Original Publisher & Date: Little, Brown & Co., 2004
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 4 and up, Pre and up
Formats other than Book: Tablet
Author: Linda Ashman
Illustrator: Joanne
Summary: Conflict
resolution in verse is the appeal of this delightful picture book. Here young
children’s situations of conflict in the home or classroom are used to
illustrate more peaceful alternatives than verbal or physical aggression. With
each offering is the suggestion to try or say, “Peace Baby.” Eventually the
arenas of peacemaking broaden to interactions with all sorts: parents,
teachers, strangers, and all of creation.
Hanna’s Comments: This is
a fun, clever book aimed at reducing conflict among young children by giving
them conflict resolution and peacemaking strategies along with a new, fun
phrase. Being able to deal with strong feelings is a crucial skill that will
benefit everyone in your religious community.
Publisher & Date of Publication: Chronicle
Books, 2013
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 3 and
up, Pre and up
Formats other than Book: Tablet
Picture Book: Let
There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me
Authors: Jill Jackson
& Sy Miller
Illustrator: David Diaz
Summary: This picture book’s text
is a song familiar to many. Written in 1955, it has been recorded by
many famous singers. It is a clarion call for world peace
as well as interpersonal peace. Besides the song lyrics, you’ll find an audio
CD which includes 11 other songs by these writers. The illustrations feature
international symbols of peace which are explained in the back of the book.
Other features include historical aspects of the song and its writers as
well as the musical score.
Hanna’s Comments: If you
are bothered by the masculine terminology, particularly “With God as our
Father, brothers all are we.” Adapt to “With God, our creator, children all are
we.” For “Let me walk with my brother,” change to “Let us walk with each
other.” Use sticky notes to replace the words on the pages. Simply explain to
your audience that the meaning and use of language changes sometimes and give
your reasons for making the changes.
Publisher & Date of Publication: Tricycle
Press, 2009
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 5 and up, K
and up
Formats other than Book: None at
Present, On the internet, there are many videos of this song being performed.
Picture Book: Peace is an Offering
Author: Annette LeBox
Illustrator: Stepanie Graegin
Summary: These simple rhyming phrases explore the concept of peace via ordinary, loving gestures in a neighborhood, the place where young children would most understand peace. Generous acts like visiting and serving someone in need and enjoying God's gifts of nature with friends all instruct young children to notice how peace is abundant. This book explains in simple terms that gratitude and contemplation are important tools for peace, as is affection and being at table together. This diverse community of children (and sometimes their parents) are shown engaging in thoughtful acts, companionship rituals, hospitality, play, and even strategic avoidance of violence. You’ll find a reference to 9/11/01, but it is subtle and isn’t likely to be disturbing to young children. Hope and joy are interwoven in this text and the images are comforting.
Hanna’s Comments: These are fear-ridden times. Sometimes the loudest messages of fear come from faith families and are overheard by children. Instead, I believe the place where children first worship and learn about God should be grounded in peace and love. We have many children riddled with anxiety. Their worship communities can address some of their fears and offer God's hope instead. The key to this heartwarming book are messages of abundance and calls to be sensitive to another’s needs while contemplating with gratitude the beauty of our world. Here be reminded that when loving acts occur, peace can be found. Opportunities for such acts are everywhere, especially in your neighborhood, but also with those you love most, like those in your faith family.
Original Publisher & Date: Dial, 2015
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 3 and up, Pre and up
Formats other than Book: Tablet
Author and Photojournalist: Richard Sobol
Summary: This story begins and ends in Africa in the village of Namanyonyi, near the border of Uganda and Kenya. Namanyonyi is unusual. In this small Ugandan village live Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They live in harmony, but they used to live more separately. Here you see children from each religion enjoying futbol. (The hats identify the boy in the middle as Jewish and the boy on the right as Muslim. Since one villager's witnessing of 9/11, they live more cooperatively and productively. J. J. Keki, a musician and coffee grower, happened to be in New York City on his way to The World Trade Center on 9/11. He emerged from the subway station in time to see one of the planes hit a tower. His life, like so many others, would never be the same. He came home and realized his village offered a perfect opportunity to model interfaith cooperation. Most families have a garden for food but also grow coffee for export. (They prefer to drink tea.) Through contacts made in his village via his children's many friends, Mr. Keki met with village farmers of all 3 religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Together they created a farming cooperative so that they can import their coffee at a better price and highlight their cooperation despite their village's religious diversity. On the sign below find the word "Kawomera." It means "delicious." The Delicious Peace Growers Coop was born and has transformed this community! A model of interfaith cooperation was been born thanks to one man's determination to counteract religious hatred! J. J. Keki has even written songs celebrating the extraordinary peace and joy that his village now experiences. Besides a detailed account of this story, you'll find the process of growing coffee beans. Children and adults are photographed demonstrating the steps: the harvesting of coffee cherries, the drying of their seeds, the shaking to remove skins, the bagging, and the transporting to a Kenyan sea port. Growing Peace offers a wide but pragmatic perspective on peacemaking, integrated with economic cooperation.
Hard work is celebrated here as well as the joy of living in the diversity that God ordains through nature and humanity.
Hanna’s Comments: There is so much text in this book that I highly recommend reading it over a couple of sessions or telling (rather than reading) this powerful story while showing the photographs. Find in the back an Author's Note and lots of resources including a glossary which will help with pronunciation. The music behind this story is available [here] and you can purchase the fair trade Delicious Peace Coffee [here].
Original Publisher & Date: Lee & Low, 2016
Age & Grade Appropriateness: 7 and up, 2nd and up
Scripture Connections For All These Books: For unto us a child is born… his name shall be called… Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6); Peaceable Kingdom (Isaiah 11:6); Those who plan peace have joy (Proverbs 12:20); Two are better than one, because they have good reward for their toil. If they fall, one will lift up the other. (Ecclesiastes 4:9); Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9); Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! (Luke 2:14); Give and it will be given to you (Luke 6:38); I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. (John 16:33); peaceably with all. (Romans 12:11); may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing (Romans 15:13); the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:12); Now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. (2 Thessalonians 3:16); Strive for peace with everyone (Hebrews 12:14); Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17); peace and pursue it.(1 Peter: 3:11)
Idea(s) for Application For All These Books: For a discussion within your faith family, talk about the confusing concept of “peace.” It will help ground them in rich meaning, even if they exit the conversation without being able to verbalize an exact definition of peace. Also, explore what peace looks like in community, school, home, or your faith family. Read Peace, Baby! in a religious childcare center along with a lesson on God’s desire for us to live peacefully. After reading Let There Be Peace on Earth, consider singing it as well then talk about conflict and reconciliation. Read Growing Peace to a group of older children or adults and consider how scripture encourages cooperative community, even across religious traditions.